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My friend sent me a yelling text where she was mad because she accidentally started reading it when she was supposed to be studying medical terminology. HA!
Praise for Stop Licking That (which is funny to type)
There were so many moments when I thought “yep, exactly.
Written by a real mom and a damn funny person. I appreciated that “Stop Licking
That” got serious too. Because those moments are important and deserve
-Ruth Hendricks, Early Childhood Professional and mother of 2
As a Mom and Psychotherapist, “Stop Licking That!” is a must
have. Karin Mitchell tells the
ridiculous and rash parts of parenting that are both hilariously honest and
heart-wrenchingly truthful. She tells
the stories that every parent can relate to without feeling an ounce of shame. It’s
refreshing to read about the same triumphs and disastrous fails we have all
experienced on our adventure as parents. “Stop Licking That!” will absolutely
be added to my shelf of must-have books!
-Sammy Charytoniuk, Licensed Professional Counselor and parent
“Karin has such a way with words. Reading this brought back
that my friends and I, in High School, had licking contests. The essence of the
game was to lick something your competitor was not willing to lick, like the
game chickin, but with bacteria, disease, and filth being the epicenter. It was
pretty foul, and hilarious. Also probably an explanation for why were often ill
in high school.”
-Drew Mikita (AKA Chicken Licken), Associate Professor
Psychology and doggy daddy
“I laughed out loud so hard my husband came up to ask me
what was the matter.”
-Michelle Woods Pennisi, childbirth educator and doula and mother of 2